Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Colter Bay,Old Faithful, Jenny Lake and Paul Bunyon?

Over Labor day we went to Colter bay to Relax...
And see Buffalo and 2 Grizzly Bears. We, well, Mom and I saw them Ray was parking the car and Dad was trying to get out of the car... You will have to ask why there is no pictures... We were CHARGED by the two little things... Of course the Ranger was there and told us to go......... so Mom Tried to run I knew I could not run so I just stood and held my Mom's arm and told her not to run.... I think that they were just playing (the bear cubs) but the ranger made everyone very nervous. It really was a flash before your eyes kind of thing.
And the Yellow Bus
More animals
The Tetons (Yes that is snow you see.)

And play with the dead trees. Ray pulled over really fast and said "I Want to push a tree over" so he did with a little help from Mom.. they pushed and pushed and when it fell it was really loud of course Dad and I yelled TIMBER......................

They really did push the tree over.


Chelsey said...

How fun you guys! I'm glad no injuries happened with bears!

Helen said...

Looks like you guys had fun. What no pictures of the bears??
I'm glad Bill went and we hope he will get his strength back.

Hacking it up said...

That is a fun place!! We just went there!!...we didn't get to see bears though...

Ya know, if there had been an off-duty Ranger nearby when they pushed that tree over...there could have been a fine....

Littletime said...

Very fun trip and fun to go with Tracy and Ray we seem to always have a good time. Love your new back ground.Love ya